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Présentation Medieval Documents as Artefacts

En février 2014, à Maastricht, j’ai participé au colloque international Medieval Documents as Artefacts, 1100-1600, organisé par le groupe de travail “Writing and Writing Practices in the Medieval Low Countries”, en collaboration avec le Huygens Institute-ING et le Regional Historic Centre Limburg.

Preliminary Program.

La publication des actes de ce colloque et vu le jour, et vous êtes conviés à participer à sa présentation virtuelle, le vendredi 30 octobre prochain, entre 16h et 17h, modalités ci-dessous :

Dear colleagues,

The Belgian-Dutch Working Group ‘Writing and Writing Practices in the Medieval Low Countries’ and the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands invite you to the presentation of

Medieval documents as artefacts. Interdisciplinary perspectives on codicology, palaeography and diplomatics, edited by E.C. Dijkhof, in collaboration with A. Berteloot, J.A.A.M. Biemans, J.W.J. Burgers, V. Van Camp, H. van Engen, J.S. Love, E. De Paermentier, A.T. Smith, and M. Williams


15.45-16.00:    Registration of the participants: log in via Zoom:     


                                Meeting ID: 930 2017 2118; Passcode: 763781

16.00                 Opening by Geertrui Van Synghel (Huygens ING), chair of the Working Group

16.10-16.30     The making of… Medieval documents as Artefacts, Eef Dijkhof (Huygens ING) editor in chief

16.30-16.40     The first three volumes will be handed over virtually to:

                                – Dr. Thérèse de Hemptinne, professor emeritus of Palaeography and Diplomatics at Ghent University

                                – Dr. Erik Kwakkel, professor in Book History at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada

                                – Drs. Lita Wiggers, director of the Regional Historical Centre Limburg in Maastricht

16.40-16.50     Comments from Ghent, Vancouver, and Maastricht

16.50-17.00     Any further questions (any speaker can sign up using the chat function of Zoom)

17.00               Closing of the meeting by the chair.

We propose that at the end of this presentation we raise our glasses, together, yet each in his own home.

It is expressly the intention that you spread this invitation within your own network. I hope many of your colleagues will attend this short presentation. They can use the above-mentioned link.

To order a copy of the book, please, contact your local bookseller. You can also order directly from the publisher Verloren in Hilversum, the Netherlands: If your Dutch just is not good enough to order that way, you may send an email to

The registration of participants starts at 15:45. If this is new for you, try to be early to sort out connection issues. Install the Zoom client when prompted. Please turn off your microphone when not speaking.

We hope to see you on Friday, October 30th between 4 and 5 p.m. at Zoom.

This invitation will be spread through several people. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that you will receive it more than once. Should this be the case, we are very sorry.

Best regards,

Geertrui Van Synghel

Eef Dijkhof”

Medieval documents as artefacts

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Coraline Rey (24 octobre 2020). Présentation Medieval Documents as Artefacts. Armaria. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Par Coraline Rey

Docteure en Histoire médiévale, chercheure associée LEM-CERCOR Référente archives numériques, Archives départementales du Var

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